在 Linux 使用 USB Webcam


Fedora Core 4 with GNOME Environment (kernel: 2.6.13)
gnomemeeting (yum install gnomemeeting)
usbutils (yum install usbutils)
spca5xx (wget http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca50x/Download/spca5xx-20051001.tar.gz)
實測硬體: (VendorID:ProductID)

Z-Star Vimicro QCam VC0305 ( 0ac8:305b )
Logitech Quickcam Express Elch2 ( 046d:0928 )

接上 USB Webcam
執行 lsusb (需 usbutils 套件) 查看 VendorID 與 ProductID
查看 spca5xx 是否支援該 Webcam (VendorID 與 ProductID 需同時吻合), 若 spca5xx 不支援, 到: Linux-USB device overview 看看; 若還是沒有, 再用 Google 找找看. 再沒有就換個 Webcam 吧!
下載並安裝 spca5xx. 在 kernel 2.6 安裝 spca5xx 很簡單, 解包 spca5xx 後, 於該目錄內 make && make install 即可
執行 modprobe spca5xx 載入 spca5xx 模組
在 GNOME 桌面中, 點選應用程式→網際網路→視訊會議 (gnomemeeting), 開啟視訊功能看到 webcam 視訊表示一切 ok!
spca5xx 載入時可使用的參數: (資料來源: modinfo -p spca5xx)

autoadjust: CCD dynamically changes exposure (spca501x only !! )
autoexpo: Enable/Disable hardware auto exposure / whiteness (default: enabled) (PC-CAM 600 only !!)
debug: Debug level: 0=none, 1=init/detection, 2=warning, 3=config/control, 4=function call, 5=max
snapshot: Enable snapshot mode
force_rgb: Read RGB instead of BGR
gamma: gamma setting range 0 to 7 3-> gamma=1
OffRed: OffRed setting range -128 to 128
OffBlue: OffBlue setting range -128 to 128
OffGreen: OffGreen setting range -128 to 128
GRed: Gain Red setting range 0 to 512 /256
GBlue: Gain Blue setting range 0 to 512 /256
GGreen: Gain Green setting range 0 to 512 /256
compress: Turn on/off compression (not functional yet)
bright: Initial brightness factor (0-255) not know by all webcams !!
contrast: Initial contrast factor (0-255) not know by all webcams !!
ccd: If zero, default to the internal CCD, otherwise use the external video input
min_bpp: The minimal color depth that may be set (default 0)
lum_level: Luminance level for brightness autoadjustment (default 32)
usbgrabber: Is a usb grabber 0x0733:0x0430 ? (default 1)
使用範例: modprobe spca5xx gamma=3 bright=170

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